Generally, birds are a nuisance.
They chatter incessantly and occasionally dive-bomb me when I get close to a tree — even those that I have claimed with much pomp, circumstance, and no small amount of bodily fluid. This bird behavior is particularly worrisome in my own backyard since I have claimed every tree, shrub, and short or tall structure in it.
Birds also steal my food and drink from my water bowl. Honestly, those things don’t really bother me. I have plenty of food and water. However, birds are indiscriminate in where and when they poop. Actually, that’s not totally true. I’m convinced that some birds choose their poop targets with malice aforethought. (Daddy taught me that legal phrase and it sounds pretty awesome. It just means that some birds commit premeditated pooping.)
But not Doug.
Doug is a mourning dove. He’s been hanging out with me for a couple of years. In fact, I think I first met him during COVID. Doug could have traveled anywhere without any constraints or even a mask. After all, if you’re a bird, you live in fear of bird flu all the time so a little COVID doesn’t really change the picture for you.
Doug likes to join me on the back porch. He knows exactly when my mealtimes are. And we’ve discovered that he likes the little “life source” pellets that are mixed in with my kibble. Personally, I don’t really care if they are there or not. With big teeth like mine, they are hard to chew. And I really get no culinary pleasure out of things that I don’t chew.
So Doug and I talked. We’ve agreed that the little bits are his if he wants to come and sort through my food. Occasionally Momma makes it easy for Doug by picking out the little pieces and leaving them out on the edge of the porch. Momma is kind-hearted like that. Doug loves Momma almost as much as I do.
Now, I have to maintain my reputation as a dog. So Doug understands when I occasionally chase after him. After all, he is a mourning dove and he emits that soulful and scary cooing noise sometimes. Daddy says I need to be careful. Doves and their cousins, pigeons, have a bit of nonchalance in their blood. They are famous for waiting until the last minute to move. And apparently, that can end in tragedy.
We wouldn’t want that to happen to Doug. He makes me happy. So I chase Doug in my slow-motion mode.
Sometimes it does us good to make and keep an unlikely friend.
Never trust a seagull. Ever.
Love your attitude Togo. Sometimes friends just happen..that is a good thing.